Friday, July 29, 2016

Day 2

Tuesday was our first full day with the teens. The night before was a late one so we took our time in the morning. I was glad we weren't too busy because I was able to go out and help fill in a bit of the trench for the waterline. Water coming into Laz is a great thing but also a huge burden because a great deal of work will be done by hand. It's not because they don't have a equipment but because the people running it are not careful or thoughtful about how they work.
As we were working Dan went into story telling mode which has been one of my favorite things about the trip. I'm always thankful for the time I get to spend talking with Dan and Maria. They know so much about the persecution of the church in Romania and always have something inspirational to say.
We were working away and then a pretty good thunderstorm blew in and sent everyone inside. We had a great time playing games though including Avalon and Werewolf. It's amazing how we can work through complex games and problems even with the language barrier. There's such a huge difference between the little kids and the teens in what were able to talk about with them and I pray that they would have open and thoughtful hearts so that God can continue to work even after they go home.
-Brittany Morales 

Maria spoke this evening on Bible study. The theme of the week is 180°, and we are focusing on spiritual disciplines and how they are essential to a changed life. She talked a lot about the importance of Scripture and how to read it. Afterwards, Dan shared some stories about people who were persecuted bringing Bibles into Romania. It is very humbling to be reminded of the price some people paid just to have Bibles and so many Christians don't even take the time to read them.

The week is going well. Pray God continues to speak to the hearts of everyone here. 

-Brittany Caulfield 

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